Last year, for another site, I wrote a review of Suda51’s Killer7. To cut that review into a sentence: I find Japanese things weird, but when it is a Japanese man known for being weird even to Japanese people, I like whatever it is. I was also happy earlier this year when it was announced he’d be making his return to wrestling for Fire Pro Wrestling. However, Killer7 was my first proper experience of Goichi “Suda51” Suda’s mind. It was a truly magical and weird one for sure.

Now it seems after a (comparatively) short time, this year’s Travis Strikes Again: No More Heroes will release on PC and PS4. This spin-off installment of the No More Heroes series released this January for the Nintendo Switch, and after a few months it was announced at E3 that No More Heroes III was announced for the Switch as well. The first installment, which released on the Wii, had an interesting motion which one had to perform to charge Travis’ beam katana. It is a motion that if you repeat too often you will go blind. I assume this is why I didn’t find out about this at age 10.

Travis Strikes Again is the first entry in the series since 2012, and received mixed reactions upon release. However, it will be re-releasing this October 17th on PC and PS4 as the “Complete Edition,” which includes the two pieces of DLC released on the Switch. Though the game is a mix of top-down hack-and-slash, side-scrolling platformer, and grid-based puzzler, it mostly takes inspiration from indie games. Its’ inspirations include Hotline Miami and Hyper Light Drifter (free on the Epic Games store). In 2017 Suda said 15 games will be referenced in Travis Strikes Again.

If you are looking to get Travis Strike Again: No More Heroes for PC, Steam has a 10 percent off deal for pre-orders. This takes it from $39.99 to $35.99 (£30.99 to £27.89). If you are looking to get it over on the old PS4 you can pre-order it for $39.99 (£30.99) or if you are a PS Plus member you can get 10 percent off.

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Keiran McEwen

Keiran Mcewen is a proficient musician, writer, and games journalist. With almost twenty years of gaming behind him, he holds an encyclopedia-like knowledge of over games, tv, music, and movies.

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