If you are like anyone else who has been alive for the last twelve years, you’ll have played a game called Spelunky. It is one of the greatest 2D games in the last fifteen years. I personally love it for its moments of saying, “I’ll just have one more go,” which turn into playing half the day away. However, since its’ remake in the former portion of this decade, rogue-lites/likes have exploded and become the indie developers’ standard. This means whatever Derek Yu was to create next would be under unbelievable pressure.

With that being said, Derek announced that the follow up to the hugely popular Spelunky, aptly titled Spelunky 2, will be delayed out of this year. In the tweet, he states: “Unfortunately, I don’t think we’re going to get to release Spelunky 2 this year. Development is still going well and we’re not far off target, but the density and detail of the game is demanding more time.” He later goes on to state that it is hard to balance development time with communication, and that when the team can, they will reveal the release date of Spelunky 2.

He also noted that since the gameplay trailer released almost a year ago (shown above), there has been some detail injected into the art style. Some had said the newer style lacked some definition, which Derek claims is part of the compression of online video. Either way, I think the art-style is pretty and I can not wait until its release, to play as the new characters. Many are speculating a 2020 release, but only time will tell.

This time around our lead character will be Anna Spelunky, daughter of the former protagonist. She is to take on her father’s path either on her own or with a whole host of other characters in online multiplayer with your friends. You can play as Roffy D. Sloth, Margaret Tunnel, or Colin Northward as well. With the updates in multiplayer, graphics, and general feel, you will also be able to jetpack around, blowing up terrain, releasing throngs of water or lava dripping everywhere which could lead to some tricky moments. Spelunky 2 is set to release for PS4 and Steam PC at some point (speculatively) next year.

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Keiran McEwen

Keiran Mcewen is a proficient musician, writer, and games journalist. With almost twenty years of gaming behind him, he holds an encyclopedia-like knowledge of over games, tv, music, and movies.

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