Being a child of the 90’s, I grew up with all the best games surrounding me from the moment of birth. Grand Theft Auto was developed in a building less than an hour’s travel from where I was born, Doom still stood atop the mountain spartan kicking demons and imitators off, and Bullfrog Productions created two of the greatest games in the world. One of which was a humble little game about running an American style hospital in what seemed like an alternate dimension England.
Between the man with the bowler hat and the woman at the reception desk, I always thought it was England. No matter the situation, someone could have died; if I hear “tongue” my brain will immediately run to “Slack tong clinic.” Yes, Theme Hospital has ruined my every being in serious situations. Meanwhile, I still play it every once in a while because it is still an excellent game. However, because it ran in MSdos it now runs as well as I would in a marathon.
Though being hugely popular and garnering lots of fans, Theme Hospital never got a sequel. That is strange in this day and age of every little game getting some kind of successor. That’s why Mark Webley, producer of Theme Hospital, released Two Point Hospital last year with Gary Carr, another Bullfrog alum. Of course, Two Point Hospital has received lots of praise from fans all over, and some have had a request since day one. Will Two Point Hospital come to my console?
Later this year, at an unspecified date, you will be able to play Two Point Hospital on the couch on your PS4 or Xbox One, and of course, while pooping with your Nintendo Switch. In the blog post announcing this news, Craig Laycock, brand director at Two Point Studios, noted what is to come with this port. All console editions will include two expansions to the game, Bigfoot and Pebberley Island, meaning there will be twenty-one hospitals and one-hundred and nine illnesses to cure.
If you are like us, waiting with bated breath for more information on these console ports, I have good news. Over the next couple of days, Two Point Studio is running a series of blog posts about the port. The first releases today from UI/UX designer Lauren Woodroffe with “Why Two Point Hospital on console is our best version yet.” Tomorrow the writer and designer Harry Puttock writes, “What’s included in the console version, and why?” Finally, Craig Laycock returns for the final post in the series on Friday with, “Why we can’t wait for more people to play Two Point Hospital.”
Two Point Hospital is available now on PC for $34.99 on Steam, and an additional $17.98 will grab you both expansions included in the consoles ports coming later this year.
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