Doom, many stories start with Doom. When it comes to the nineties, most people cite Doom or Final Fantasy VII as what got them into gaming. I know when I was fairly young, it was Doom that slightly terrified and greatly excited me; I was hooked. However, I am not the only one that was gripped by Doom, id Software studio director Tim Willits is reported to also be clutched by the Doom marine on his path to kill every demon in hell.

Now it seems Tim Willits is leaving id Software after more than twenty years with the company. His first proper release while with the company was to be the level designed for id software’s Quake. From here he has since worked on several id Software titles including several Quake games, Doom 3, the Rage series, and the Doom reboot. Willits announced his stepping down in this thread of tweets:

We are sad to see Tim go, and we hope what he has planned after QuakeCon later this month is just as exciting for fans. However, as far as id Software goes, Rock, Paper, Shotgun have brought up the concept that this departure leaves id with very few original team members from the Doom and Quake days left at the studio. Now only Kevin Cloud and “id mom” Donna Jackson are left from those early days of id Software. Many years on, Kevin Cloud has moved from documenting Wolfenstein 3D, working on the graphics and art of Doom 1 and 2, as well as Quake, all the way up to the executive producer of id software. Meanwhile, Donna Jackson “id mom,” is the office manager.

As Tim says in his tweets, we will find out more about his future endeavors later this year after QuakeCon. QuakeCon is scheduled to take place next Thursday, the 25th of July, through Sunday, the 28th of July, in Dallas, Texas. Some of the games scheduled to appear are the upcoming Doom Eternal, Wolfenstein Youngblood and Cyberpilot, Rage 2, Quake Champions, and Fallout 76.

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Keiran McEwen

Keiran Mcewen is a proficient musician, writer, and games journalist. With almost twenty years of gaming behind him, he holds an encyclopedia-like knowledge of over games, tv, music, and movies.

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