With “patch culture,” and Season Passes becoming the default position of the games industry in the last few years, it should come as no surprise that the two would collide. Either the patch file would be swapped for DLC or something in a patch would break DLC. However, Reddit user Dragonfire9000 thinks it was the former that caused them to see a development build of Darksiders 3‘s second DLC a little early.

In the Reddit post on Saturday, the user stated, “So I’m not to sure how many of you are in the same boat. I have the Season Pass for Darksiders 3 and this afternoon my Xbox just downloaded the second DLC. However, I don’t think this was actually meant to happen on THQ Nordics side as the introduction cutscene seemed unfinished, there are no new achievements and the final confirming fact, when you enter the DLC, floating in mid-air is the text “start point for DLC2.” They continued, “I think someone mixed up an update and the actual DLC in an unfinished state.”

A few hours later a spokesperson for Gunfire games made this statement: “This is the state of the dlc2 content that was in there when we shipped ng+(notice there wasn’t a patch to get access to this). We’re not sure why it started popping up, likely something to do with the platform as we have not released anything. Playing this may screw up your save for when the real one comes out so we would advise not playing it as there will likely not be a fix for it.”

While I can’t personally say if you will still be able to access the DLC, we would assume that users who can will. With that, we advise you to listen to Gunfire Games if you intend to play through the DLC later this month. According to the Darksiders official Twitter account, Keepers of the Void will be releasing at some point this month on PC, PS4, and Xbox One. Currently, there is no word on the official release date of Keepers of the Void.

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Keiran McEwen

Keiran Mcewen is a proficient musician, writer, and games journalist. With almost twenty years of gaming behind him, he holds an encyclopedia-like knowledge of over games, tv, music, and movies.

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