As I’m sure anyone with two brain cells and a working eyeball can tell, bugs are as inviting as the Ebola virus is harmless. In long, verbose, and melodramatic terms, ever since the US nuked Japan, there has been a fascination with making horrid creatures from the beyond into larger, creepier, and more terrifying horrors from H.R Giger’s nightmares.
Nonetheless, the Earth Defense Force series has gained a cult-like following in the west, particularly on the PlayStation 4 in recent years. Playing both Earth Defense Force 5 (for another site) and, more recently Iron Rain, I can say they are both a brilliant balance of horror and exciting arcade fun. However, the pink blood splattering joy may have gotten a well-deserved kick in its arthron piso plevra (or “joint backside“). Ok, you might not have gotten that, but the one greek zoologist laughed.
Earth Defense Force 5 is coming to the PC later this week on July 11th. With it comes horrific bugs the size of buildings, and buildings that collapse faster than the economy in two-thousand and eight. While Earth Defense Force as a series isn’t all that pretty, it makes up for this in scope. The number of horrific Scott Lang sized existential horrors is mesmerizing, mostly because the PS4’s processor cries at the thought of rendering some logos. I can’t recommend it enough.
Earth Defense Force 5 is coming to Steam this week – Prepare for the invasion!
— Earth Defense Force: Iron Rain (@EDF_OFFICIAL_EN) July 8, 2019
While this isn’t the first installment of the series to join the PC, with both Earth Defense Force (4) 2025 and Insect Armageddon releasing on PC. This may show that D3 publishing and Sandlot are willing to bring not only the spin-offs but also the main series to the west as a regular occurrence, and to more platforms. However, this is nothing more than speculation at this point.
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