For almost a year now there have been rumors that Red Dead Redemption 2 will be coming to PC. Though, there has not been much information to actually back it up. Rumors of a PC port for the game have leaked a handful of times, which Rockstar Games has teased, but not announced. It was always likely to have a PC port after the console release, similar to recent GTA V ports.

Earlier this year, a programmer may have accidentally revealed that Red Dead Redemption 2 for PC was in development. It was even listed for the Nintendo Switch by an Australian retailer; though that is far less likely to happen than the PC version. The reason for this, is that the Nintendo of America president gave reasons why it won’t be happening.

This time, however, the leak comes from Rockstar Games itself; more specifically from the Rockstar social club. The leak in question was found in the code of the social club website by Twitter user JakoMako51. The source code for Rockstar’s Social Club now includes a reference to ‘RDR2_PC_Accomplishments‘, though the PC might mean anything; most prefer to see it as a sign of an incoming port.

Alongside the PC port leak was information about the Rockstar Editor, which has also leaked numerous times. However, the Rockstar Editor has not been revealed nor confirmed by Rockstar themselves, but chances are when and if the PC port comes; it may be alongside the Editor.

For now, there is no confirmation or reveal of a PC port, or any other ports in the works. We don’t even know if it’ll be available for next-gen consoles. For now, we can only wait and hope these leaks are true. Red Dead Redemption 2 is available for Xbox One and PS4.

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Abdul Saad

A videogame addict and writer trying to share his passion.

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