I loathe the human race about as much as people on Twitter hate that a Disney princess has changed with the times. I despise the others who are yelling at the ones making these comments on the princess more, but I still resent them nonetheless. I just don’t like people, as they are often loud, annoying, and get in the way when you’re trying to do something. Speaking of which, I don’t understand why anyone would work in a professional kitchen and somehow stay calm. It’s hot, loud, and full of people. No wonder Gordon Ramsey swears a lot.

However, this week’s free game from the Epic Games store is Overcooked by Ghost Town Games. Overcooked is a game about wanting to take that knife in the kitchen and stabbing all your friends during couch play. It’s a game made for all the family, or more often than not, a game to trick your kids into swearing in front of you for the first time. It is the perfect balance of teamwork and whatever made The Joker such a happy little fella.

You play as a generic Masterchef winner 1 – (about) 20. The characters are everything from a human to a raccoon in a wheelchair (clearly he missed a payment), none of which adds anything to the overall game. Well, other than the peace of mind your onion soup doesn’t have a hair in it. Meanwhile, the story is not strong or really worth paying any mind to. The narrative is nothing more than a foil to the gameplay.

Overcooked is currently available until Thursday, July 11th and comes with The Lost Morsel and Festive Seasoning DLC. Playing Overcooked alone makes it difficult to find the everlasting fun and joy of the game. Playing with friends, however, leads you to become a foaming at the mouth psychopath, intensely trying to coordinate to make meals and get to the end of each level. If you’re waiting for a friend to pick up the game so you can hate each other, now has never been a better time to lose that friendship.

Next week’s free game on the Epic Games store is Torchlight, an action RPG from Runic Games, the developer of 2017’s Hob.

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Keiran McEwen

Keiran Mcewen is a proficient musician, writer, and games journalist. With almost twenty years of gaming behind him, he holds an encyclopedia-like knowledge of over games, tv, music, and movies.

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