The Last of Us was and is still one of the best single player experience the PS4 and PS3 had to offer. Most players also know it had a good multiplayer experience as well. So it would be safe to assume that The Last of Us: Part 2 would also feature a similar multiplayer experience, but it seems that might not be the case. In fact, it may not have any kind of multiplayer at all.
A Reddit user by the name toochuy noticed on the Days of Play PS4 box that The Last of Us: Part 2 was among titles like Days Gone and Spider-Man listed as games which didn’t include any sort of multiplayer elements. While it may just be an error, it could also be a sign that The Last of Us: Part 2 might not have multiplayer at all, and due to the few details we know, we’re still unsure.
However, Anthony Newman, co-director for The Last of Us: Part 2, confirmed at E3 2018 that there would, in fact, be multiplayer of some kind included in the game that would be revealed at a later date. This will most likely happen post-launch since we have yet to hear any news about it. Naughty Dog also hasn’t officially said that the planned multiplayer mode was scrapped.
There have been multiple job listings posted by Naughty Dog, including one for a Multiplayer Server Programmer. The job listing pointed to The Last of Us: Part 2 multiplayer having character customization, an in-game store, and dedicated servers. This gives more proof to The Last of Us: Part 2 supporting some kind of multiplayer mode.
Looking at the Days of Play PS4 box and noticed this. Has Sony confirmed before that the Last of Us Part 2 doesn’t have MP or is this a goof? [Image] from PS4
The details surrounding The Last of Us: Part 2 so far still aren’t concrete. Although we’ve known about the game for well over a year now, we don’t have many specifics involving the story, and we know nothing of the game’s release date. While it may be close to release, all fans can right now is wait.
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