Capcom will be giving PS4 owners an exclusive two-part beta for the Iceborne expansion of Monster Hunter: World. It will be a two-part beta test, the first of which will only be available to PlayStation Plus subscribers. The second beta period will be available to all PS4 owners.
To those who are unaware, Monster Hunter: World Iceborne is a “massive” expansion to the existing game; featuring a new story, a new area, and new monsters to hunt. The first beta will run from Friday, June 21st at 3 AM Pacific (6 AM Eastern) through Monday, June 24th at 3 AM Pacific (6 AM Eastern). The second test will run from Friday, June 28th at 3 AM Pacific (6 AM Eastern) through Monday, July 1st at 3 AM Pacific (6 AM Eastern).
Both betas will offer the same three quests and monsters; the classic intro-monster Great Jagras from the original Monster Hunter: World, and two new monsters named Banbaro and Tigrex. Banbaro is a new horned-brute-wyvern coming to Iceborne, while the flying wyvern Tigrex has appeared in several Monster Hunter games but is now returning to the franchise in Iceborne. Players will also get the chance to try out 14 weapons and new tools such as the upgraded Slinger with its’ Clutch Claw attachment in both the beta quests.
Players who complete these quests in the beta will unlock “a total of three item packs containing helpful consumable items that will be available to use in the full version of the Iceborne expansion when it releases,” according to Capcom.
The item rewards for the betas from Monster Hunter: World usually only include consumable items and cosmetics. This means that players who do not participate in the betas will not be hurt much in terms of progress. Though if you’re a proper Monster Hunter fan, you won’t want to miss the betas, especially as the beta doesn’t need the Monster Hunter: World base game to play. As a PS4 user, you only need to download the beta this month to play it free. However, having PS plus will enable you play both the betas.
Iceborne will cost $39.99 as a stand-alone expansion, and a bundle featuring the main game will cost $59.99. The add-on DLC is coming to PS4 and Xbox One Sept 6th, with the PC version coming later this winter.
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