If you have been keeping up with everything I’ve been writing of late, you are a mad fool only movie villains can sympathize with, and you know, I’m excited for E3. With it all kicking off next Sunday, I am currently building up the “hype” for the shows by re-watching previous year’s conferences, because I am weird. Because of this, I thought today we’d look at what is yet to come from E3, what we could expect, discuss the leaks, and otherwise “geek out” about some awesome games.
Last year’s E3 didn’t get off to a great start, as EA held their shareholder’s meeting, and invited us all along. This is something we don’t have to suffer this year. They even went as far as pushing a cheap, and otherwise trite Command and Conquer game as an e-Sport when it was nothing more than a mobile game.
As a fan of the Dungeon Keeper franchise and someone with knowledge of what EA has done with their previous mobile games, this didn’t excite me; I assume many others weren’t happy either. When it came to their showcase, the only thing that looked even slightly interesting, was a game called Sea of Solitude, which we know is coming this Summer. Though I still can’t say I am sitting on the edge of my seat waiting to play it.
While EA is not doing a conference this year, they are still expected to do some kind of event from EA Play. This is, in all possibility, going to be a PR event to give those at E3 something to do in the days leading up the conferences on the 9th. However, for those of us who like to stay home and eat our own food, EA has said they will be streaming something to do with Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order.
The next show is Microsoft. I’m sure we can all agree, that Microsoft is the winner of the “This is the best show out of the slog that was 2018,” competition. That isn’t to say it was a bad show by any means, in fact, it was possibly the best for many years. However, I must talk about the one game I can’t care about in the least, Halo: Infinite. We’re undoubtedly going to see something this year, but we can’t say what that could mean. Will it be a pre-rendered animation or a display of gameplay? I know many are excited about the inevitable reveal, however, I’m more excited about the many other games already revealed and those to come.
Much like last year, I’d expect some indie gems to be showcased in a small video package again this year. One of the most recent indies released has been Blue Machu’s Void Bastards, a System Shock 2 and BioShock inspired rogue-like shooter with stunning visuals, which released both on Steam and Xbox One just yesterday. We may also see a small section on Shedwork’s Sable, which has now been delayed a little longer but was shown last year at the PC Gaming Show and the Xbox/Microsoft briefing, respectively. We will also, in all likelihood, see Tunic again.
We may also see a final appearance of Ori and the Will of the Wisps, something first revealed back in 2017. As I’m not personally a fan of the series, I can’t say I’m excited, though I know many others are. I’d say anything that introduces Metroidvania mechanics, especially to a targeted younger audience, the better. I know if I was introduced to them back when I was a kid, I wouldn’t be the weirdo following Dark Souls around like a dog chasing a peanut butter flavored anus.
As we saw last year with the first reveal of Fallout 76, Bethesda may show something. Either DLC content for Fallout 76, maybe something about Doom Eternal, or Starfield? We don’t know. I’d be willing to bet money (a small amount) that we’ll see a clip of something Bethesda related.
As we saw last year, with Rare being owned by Microsoft, we’ll see something about Sea of Thieves. According to the Microsoft/Xbox leaks earlier this month, we’ll almost one hundred percent see an update on content patches. According to the same leak by NeoGaff user, Braldryr, we’re possibly going to see a new project from Rare, possibly for the next-generation. However, there has been no further word on what either of these will be or include.
After playing Forza Horizon 4 last year, I am actually excited to see what Playground Games have up their sleeve next for Forza Motorsport 8. This hasn’t been confirmed, but basic pattern recognition would dictate we’ll once again see the series jump back to the closed circuit racing of the Motorsport sub-series. This year, we may also see the return of the car on stage motif we’ve seen in previous years. Either way, I can’t wait to see what they have in store for us.
As for online-focused games or other games awaiting content patches, We Happy Few and PlayerUnknown’s Battlegrounds both require some work, as far as some people are concerned. Though, while we’re on a game from a studio that was bought out by Microsoft last year and developer Bluehole, we should mention the expected release of Ascent: Infinite Realm soon enough. Infinite Realm or Ascent, whatever we’re calling it, was expected to release back in late 2018, however, it didn’t meet that deadline.
We also saw a strong Japanese presence at the Xbox showcase last year, which backs up claims that Xbox/Microsoft is attempting to push their way into the Japanese and great Asian market, with Capcom’s Devil May Cry 5 (revealed by Hideaki Itsuno), Bandai Namco’s Jump Force, and Tales of Vesperia Definitive Edition all revealed on the Xbox briefing. We also know that Hideaki Itsuno has been pushing for a sequel to the controversial DMC: Devil May Cry.
One thing I can’t get excited for is a possible Tomb Raider sequel of a prequel, of a prequel, to an already dull reboot prequel. Jokes aside, I own Shadow of the Tomb Raider, have it installed on the Xbox, and still can’t be bothered to play it. I’m not excited about what is next in the series, which will likely be either another reboot or another sequel. It is highly unlikely we’ll see the full gameplay reveal trailer, but if there’s something coming, it won’t be surprising to see it this year.
However, like many who love skateboarding games, we saw the downfall of Tony Hawk‘s games, and we know EA isn’t going to reveal a new Skate anytime soon. We’re left with Session, the “spiritual successor” to the Skate franchise. As I’ve played a very-very early build, I can say it feels like Session is right where it needs to be. It is all about precision and accuracy with every grind, kickflip, treflip, and any other trick feeling satisfying.
While we’re on satisfying topics, I want to speculate about something that I can only hope will happen. Satisfactory is currently in Early Access on the Epic Games Store, which suggests THQ Nordic and Coffee Stain Studio will be up for taking money from outside sources. If Microsoft/Xbox are willing to throw money at Satisfactory, I could easily see it as an Xbox console exclusive or timed exclusive. This will, in several likelihoods, never happen though I can and will hope that it does.
With no word on the release date for Dying Light 2, we’re, of course, going to expect some gameplay and a possible reveal from Techland. Not playing much of the previous entry, I can’t say I am excited about yet another zombie, survival, and crafting thing. However, from what we saw last year, there will be more to do in the daytime and less focus on the zombies in that period. As I stood atop an ambulance crying like a lost child in a supermarket, with several hundred zombies in my short-lived time with Dying Light, I want to see more of what there is to do in the daylight.
While we’re on Techland, there’s speculation on a Call of Juarez successor, though that has an almost zero percent chance of happening due to Ubisoft no longer holding Call of Juarez‘s publishing rights. We could see some other titles from Techland as they are now self-publishing. This year alone they published God’s Trigger, a beautiful top-down gory shooter. This doesn’t include projects on hold, such as Warhound and Hellraid.
As we’ve already mentioned the leaks, we should also say Battletoads is proposed to release late this year. This seems to be nostalgia-bait to a franchise I am more than too young to understand. I’m sure some are happy to see a re-release, reboot, or complete redesign of the entire game. I, however, don’t know or care for it.
While we’re on the horrors of war in the time we’re all in, let’s discuss Gears POP!, two horrific nightmares combined to become one mobile phone game that we know nothing about. We are also expecting Gears Tactics gameplay, at some point, though this could be much like Halo Wars before it. Then, of course, the latest Gears of War installment we’re expecting is Gears 5. You can expect a full reveal of the Gears 5 multiplayer over on TBS the Friday following the E3 conferences.
Of course, in all plausibility, we’ll see something about Cyberpunk 2077. In my own opinion, I don’t think we’ll see much in the way of a release date, though a release window is likely. We may see a gameplay trailer at the most. While beautiful and at the very least, interesting to an extent, I can’t say I’m too terribly excited. Though I didn’t think much of The Witcher 3 until I had played a good few hours at the very least.
This concludes the already leaked or confirmed content for the Microsoft/Xbox show. However, in all probability, we could see a display from Borderlands 3, The Sinking City, Werewolf: The Apocalypse, Earthblood (releasing in 2020), WRC 8, Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order, Trine 4: The Nightmare Prince, Stranger Things 3: The Game, and Psychonauts 2. For all we know, there could be several hundred things Microsoft have up their sleeve. After last year, Microsoft could do anything.
The next show on the agenda is Bethesda, and after their abysmal showcase last year, most can’t say they are too terribly excited for this one. We do know that there shall be more on Doom Eternal, Wolfenstein: Youngblood, Cyberpilot, Starfield, and The Elder Scrolls VI. All of which were previously announced.
Last year’s slog, as I’ve previously called it, wasn’t helped by constant yammering on by people on a stage among several mobile phone games. If they can either cut out all the boring (Andrew W– whatever his name was) and the otherwise useless nonsense, Bethesda can do a fine show. I don’t hold out hope after last year, however.
The same could be said for Devolver Digital. While they do make great games and have some mighty fine ideas, their E3 shows are a mess of whatever people on the internet find funny. Being a seven-hundred-and-thirty-two-year-old in a twenty-two year’s body, I don’t understand it, and I never know what’s an announcement and what’s a joke. Good on them for doing something interesting, but it is loud, scary, and has flashing lights. I’m back to the old folks home for this one.
Let’s discuss the next one, which comes from UploadVR. This will likely be a pre-recorded presentation of new VR games. As I’m not one for VR, I don’t have much to say about upcoming titles, but this could be an interesting presentation. However, with this being a VR focused showcase, and VR is a PC-focused event, this would be a nice bite-sized event before the PC Gaming Show.
Oddly enough, since their first year, the PC Gaming Showcase has grown by leaps and bounds. Last year wasn’t perfect, and indeed they focused a little too much on interviews, rather than the more enjoyable formula of “gameplay, questions, next topic!” However, this year I would like to see something from the folks over at Frontier (who often sponsor the PC Gaming show), as they announced their new game Planet Zoo.
There are also several other interesting PC titles to come at this year’s show. I’ve already spoken of many of them that are also coming to consoles, but we’re in all likelihood going to see the new Paranoia game, Paranoia: Happiness is Mandatory, possibly some Journey, Age of Wonders: Planetfall, Vampire: The Masquerade – Bloodlines 2, Maneater, and many more.
Next, we have another newcomer to the E3 ring. Limited Run Games, known for doing limited runs of games that would otherwise be a digital release, in a limited physical run. This year, they are planning to release the full list of their remaining PlayStation Vita titles. Along with this, they are also planning to reveal several upcoming releases to their lineup. Their cards are being played close to their chest, and we don’t know much else about their showcase.
After Limited Run do their parade of physical games, we’re heading off to Ubisoft which I’m sure many are excited for. Though if we’re taking bets on what opens this year, I will say an anthropomorphic animal of some kind will dance with aliens for Just Dance 2020. I do hope we see the return of our goddess, our queen, the joy that is Aisha Tyler hosting the show once again. Though I highly doubt it. As far as games go, there is very little we know about at the moment.
We do know there will be something from Beyond Good and Evil 2, at least there has to be an update. Last year, we saw “pre-alpha” footage, which could only mean Ubisoft Montpelier is still adding in major sections of the game. If I were to hazard a guess of when they’ll give a release window, it would be next year or the year after. We will see an update, either for HitRecord content or the game itself, the former of which may be a reminder you can have your content in the game as well.
There may also be an update on Skull & Bones, the pirate successor to Assassin’s Creed Black Flag. It seems to have been delayed once again recently, to March 2020. I am excited about the game though. I also believe it has been stated to be online-focused. In short, an HD/realistic looking Sea of Thieves-style game. We are more likely to see an update to this at some point this year. We could also expect Ghost Recon Breakpoint to be spoken about soon, as it is expected to release by March 2020 also.
We may see updates and DLC for several games including Trials Rising (From the prime minister of Finland), The Division 2, The Crew 2, and Assassin’s Creed Odyssey. We don’t rightfully know if any of these games will receive DLC but in some cases, such as The Division 2, we’ll likely be told (why it isn’t political,) that updates are coming to find the President. My point being, those of us who enjoy Ubisoft for single-player content will find a bathroom break somewhere. Though really, I can’t blame Ubisoft for wanting to promote their games. That’s what the event is for.
Of course, what I have been sitting on the edge of my seat waiting on for over a year now is a Watch_Dogs 3 trailer. With several leaks piling up around the game and speculation running wild, it could close the show this year, much as it did in 2016. I’ve spoken at length about my desire for this third installment, so I will not be laborious here once again. Though, I will say, if we don’t see it, I will riot.
However, I will only riot because AMD has a showcase this year right after Ubisoft. Yes, the people who had taken two million years to speak about their graphics cards and other madness in the initial PC Gaming show. I wouldn’t be surprised if this doesn’t see much attention from the streamers, the press, and the general viewers, because this will, in all likelihood, not include game announcements.
The next event comes as another new addition, sort of. As I’m not a fan of the group known as, Kinda Funny, I couldn’t tell you what they did last. Though I am informed that after Sony announced there would not be a PlayStation Experience in 2018, Greg Miller made a joke about doing a conference of his own. The stars aligned and chips fell where they may to a small conference with ups and downs. Either way, once again, Greg Miller announced there will be another event coming this E3.
Because of the size, interest, and power behind the previous conference, we can’t say with certainty what will be at the event. We do, however, know that the last showcase featured previously announced games, and this could change as the names behind the event could draw some more high-profile games. However, don’t expect anything too large from this one.
However, taking the Sony slot this year is the other Japanese monolith, Square Enix. One would have to assume they will continue with their short-but-sweet take on conferences once again. Not trying to play for crowd size as Microsoft is doing or even fan interaction – it will probably be their usual person standing at a lectern, speaking for a moment, and followed by a trailer. Those of us that are “casual” observers of Square Enix might think there’s not much to announce or show, however, this year there seems to be some games on the table.
First and foremost is probably Kingdom Hearts 3 DLC. If anything I’d assume this would kick off the show, to give it some life and to excite those still playing. There is also the Marvel’s Avengers game which was confirmed to be at the show. Then, of course, we have PlatinumGames working on Babylon’s Fall, which I know nothing about, though I know some are excited for. However, there is one game I know may be shown due to a western release this July, Dragon Quest Builders 2. Considering I loathe it as much as some do politics, the less I say the better.
We could also expect the expansion pack for Final Fantasy XIV: A Realm Reborn, called Shadowbringers to make an appearance. These will also likely appear alongside Switch releases of Dragon Quest XI: Echoes of an Elusive Age and Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles (also coming to the PS4). We could also expect Battalion 1944 to get a proper release date for the PS4 and Xbox One. We may also see a western release date set for Romancing SaGa 3.
All of which are ignoring the elephant in the room, known as the Final Fantasy VII Remake. We could also see details on the mobile release of War of the Visions: Final Fantasy Brave Exvius, a tactics RPG to release this year in Japan. We may get a western release date for the latter soon enough.
The final showcase this year will be a bittersweet one. To my knowledge, this will be the first E3 Nintendo Direct without Reggie Fils-aimé. However, because this is the E3 showcase we could assume this will consist of everything that Nintendo has to offer, including all the ports. We’ll see some of the Pokémon Sword and Shield content, Super Mario Maker 2, and Smash Ultimate. However, the one thing I expect the most from this showcase is The Legend of Zelda: Link’s Awakening for the Switch.
We may even see some footage of the highly anticipated Bayonetta 3, which is just one of several other third-party developed titles coming to the Switch as well. Undoubtedly, like last year, this one will have the video package of the many indie and triple-A developed games coming soon.
All the conferences will be held or broadcast live. Microsoft will be holding their briefing at the Microsoft Theater at 4 PM ET on June 9th. Bethesda will follow with their show at 8:30 PM ET, also on the 9th. The final show of the 9th will be Devolver Digital at 10 PM ET.
The 10th will play host to the UploadVR broadcast at 12 PM ET, followed by the PC Gaming Show at 1 PM ET. At 3 PM ET, Limited Run Games, which is promptly followed by Ubisoft at 4 PM ET. AMD’s “Next Horizon Gaming,” will take place at 6 PM ET, with Kinda Funny Games at the later time of 7:30 PM ET. The final show of the 10th is Square Enix in the prime time slot of 9 PM ET. Finally, on the 11th the final conference/broadcast will be the Nintendo Direct at 11 AM ET.
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