I’ve spoken of my, for lack of a better and more explicate term, absolute contempt of Star Trek Discovery and my love of Seth MacFarlane’s newest pet project, The Orville. Happily, I can say that there will be a third season, coming in 2020, and I could “gush” over how enjoyable the characters are; how the writing has improved over the first season, and how you should whole-heartedly go watch it right now. Though that’s what the previous article was for, today I am beyond excited to bring to your attention Messy Desk Interactive’s new “interactive fan experience.”

Messy Desk Interactive is a developer you may remember from their previous fan-game; which was shut down by CBS. Stage 9, the Star Trek The Next Generation walking sim/museum of the Galaxy-Class Enterprise-D is an experience like no other, and I’ll never forget stepping onto the bridge and sitting in Picard’s chair. Walking around an empty Federation starship is a feeling I can’t describe without noises and some swearing, pointing at specific parts of the ship yelling, “This does a thing!” As glee fills my face.

Either I’m a massive nerd who gets excited about a digital model ship or– No, I’m definitely a massive nerd. Though when I heard about Messy Desk Interactive working on something new I was concerned it would be another CBS issue on the horizon. However, If Seth MacFarlane and Fox want to win cheap praise from fans, myself included, all they have to do is ignore or praise this new fan-made experience.

If you are a fan of The Orville but didn’t see what Stage 9 had to offer, let me ease your mind. When it is said in the video above from Messy Desk Interactive, that you’ll be able to see the ship in “unprecedented detail,” I believe they will have detailed documents on the aliens or the ship itself. As was the case with Stage 9, one would assume the screens with all detail Worf would look at in TNG and Issac takes in, during The Orville; will be fully readable once again. Blinking lights will also be interact-able, and indeed, chairs will be suitable to sit in.

As I’m sure you can assume, I am beyond excited to get my hands on The Orville Interactive Fan Experience. Which will be made available “very soon,” not only for PC users but also for VR platforms much like Stage 9 had.

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Keiran McEwen

Keiran Mcewen is a proficient musician, writer, and games journalist. With almost twenty years of gaming behind him, he holds an encyclopedia-like knowledge of over games, tv, music, and movies.

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