There was this thing the previous host of The Late Late Show With Craig Ferguson, Craig Ferguson, would do, and it would be where he’d put his arms in a somewhat, “look at my muscles!” pose without the small penis issue of a man child who likes steroids. He’d do this, put on a stupid and aged sounding American accent, and say “Hey kids…” followed by a reference to what was popular several years prior, Twilight for example. Whenever I’m doing one of these articles about the current deals on the Epic Games Store, Humble Bundle, or even Twitch Prime. I, sort of, feel like Craig Ferguson saying, “Hey kids, do you like the video games?”
Either way, do you like video games? Because there are a ton of deals currently going on through several storefronts. Firstly, the Epic Games Store is currently having its first huge summer sale: Yes, much like Steam. Some of these deals are huge and surprising to see on any store, nevermind one that is pushing its way in the door with a bulldozer. This sale began yesterday, the 16th of May, and will run until the 13th of June.
Some of these deals the Epic Games Store is offering include, John Wick Hex, Ashen, Satisfactory, The Witness, Oxenfree, Transistor, several David Cage games, and many others. The most surprising of which is probably John Wick Hex which was only announced last week, and is presently $7.99 along with others under the twenty dollar mark. Some games, such as Super Meat Boy, are under five dollars. As I said previously, “Some of these deals are huge,” which doesn’t include the fact that Stories Untold, a point-and-click/text-adventure horror game, is currently free as previous games have been.
The next free offer comes from Ubisoft oddly enough. It seems they would like to get into this free games for good PR nonsense everyone else is currently doing. Nonetheless, if you didn’t pick up Steep upon its release, (I don’t blame you,) you can now for free. As someone who enjoys games focused on a more experimental mechanic, such as Just Cause 3‘s wingsuit or Spider-Man 2‘s web swinging, I always enjoyed the idea of playing Steep yet never picked it up. The only issue that had been raised to me prior to my thoughts of buying Steep was the overly aggressive and always-online DRM in the game. This is something I have tried to research, though some will say it is fine while others say it is aggressive.
Humble Bundle is also doing their huge spring sale, and some of the games included are Grand Theft Auto V, L,A Noire, and The Witcher 3 all special editions, and all being 70% off or more. Even more recent games, such as Soulcalibur VI is 66% off and, well, that just released several months ago. However, much like Ubisoft and Epic, there is a free game to get out of this: Specifically, Guacamelee! Super Turbo Championship Edition. A Metroidvania, action-platformer about a lucha libre wrestler; the most stereotypical (yet not offensively so) game in existence.
This completely ignores that Good Old Games (GOG) are also holding a free deal for the first Witcher game on their storefront. This weekend there are a lot of deals going around, and I highly suggest picking them all up now.
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