I, much like everyone in the known universe, played The Witcher 3 and [expletive] loved it! It is still my favorite RPG I’ve played, possibly ever. Anyone I know who has played it will proselytize the sex scenes, the story, the sex scene on the unicorn, the combat, the sex scenes, and the sex scenes. It is the perfect balance of high fantasy and grounded reality, though, once again like most, I haven’t read the books or played the first two games.
Well, I played The Witcher 1 until it crashed on me and I couldn’t be bothered playing after that hour-long slog. I really want to like the first game, but finding the time to go back to it is difficult. Especially considering the game came out in 2007, and is by a collection of devs known for their work on porting and translating games. In short, on modern systems, it is a 50/50 shot if you will or will not be able to play The Witcher. Though, one can’t complain when they received the game for free.
If you are a Witcher fan, there’s more to look forward to. You don’t have to play it, but in order to get The Witcher free, you will have to download the free-to-play Gwent card game CD Projekt Red have been making for a few years now. You see, CD Projekt Red also run Good Old Games (GOG), and they are currently running a promotion where you will receive The Witcher 1 Enhanced/Director’s Cut Edition when you download Gwent (a GOG PC exclusive). Yes, it is that simple. Instead of paying the $9.99, you can own this little section of gaming history for free.
To get all of this you will, of course, have to download and create a GOG account or previously own one. From there you will have to go into this particular page to subscribe to the GOG newsletter, collect your free Gwent “Card Keg,” and finally get your free copy of The Witcher: Enhanced Edition.
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