KInda Funny is known in its community of “Best Friends” as a “Garbage Truck on Fire” and when Sony announced that there would be no PlayStation Experience last year Greg Miller made a throwaway joke stating “We’ll just do our own press conference.” The Best Friends went crazy with the idea of this and so what started as a joke quickly turned into reality; with rousing success as well, after Kinda Funny’s first showcase there was one question on everyone’s mind… will Kinda Funny do an E3 Showcase?
Today we get the answer to that burning question. During Kinda Funny’s Town Hall stream Greg Miller confirmed they will be doing an E3 Showcase on June 10th, 2019 at 4:30 PM. If this showcase is anything like Kinda Funny’s first foray into press conferences then we should be expecting a well-paced, great hosted show with tons of announcements and that signature Kinda Funny humor.
Don’t expect many big AAA announcements, as during last year’s showcase Kinda Funny focused more on the Indie side of games, rather than bigger titles. Games like Super Meat Boy Forever, YIIK: A Postmodern RPG and Toe Jam & Earl Back in the Groove were all given release dates and gameplay trailers. Though the presence of bigger AAA games was small, there were still some announcements to be made. Games like Anthem, The Walking Dead the Final Season, and a western release date for the Yakuza spinoff Judgment were all either given a trailer or a release date. So I would recommend setting your expectations accordingly.
Kinda Funny has been a steadily growing media company since it’s inception in 2015, by company Co-founders Greg Miller, Time Gettys, Nick Scarpino and Coin Moriarty. Kinda Funny has been making podcasts and YouTube videos about video games for years now and have more than a decade of experience reviewing and talking about games.
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