EA has been under a lot of scrutiny over the past few years due to their treatment of the Star Wars IP; cancelling games, shutting down studios and giving the fans two mobile games and two decent Battlefront games. It seemed like EA would never get to treat Star Wars with the care and respect it deserves. However, EA took a step in the right direction with the announcement of Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order and made another great decision to put 12 classic Star Wars games onto EA Origin Access for all the subscribers to experience on May 4th, 2019.
The list includes (Thanks to PC Gamer)
- Star Wars: Battlefront II (2005)
- Jedi Knight: Jedi Academy
- Republic Commando
- Rogue Squadron 3D
- Dark Forces
- Shadows of the Empire
- X-Wing Alliance
- Jedi Knight: Mysteries of the Sith
- Galactic Battlegrounds Saga
- Starfighter
- Episode 1 Racer
- Rebellion
This is a great list of games and includes a little something for everyone! You have the story driven Jedi Knight: Jedi Academy, First person shooters Rouge Squadron 3D and Republic Commando and even real-time strategy Rebellion; a classic game from Coolhand Interactive and released in 1998. This brings over 30 Star Wars games to the platform giving more reasons to subscribe to EA Origin Access services. I would personally recommend Star Wars Battlefront II, Jedi Knight: Jedi Academy and Star Wars Starfighter. Most of the other games are fun but won’t get much longevity.
EA Origin Access is a subscription-based service that allows you to play some of EA’s best games and try new releases for ten hours before they launch on their scheduled release date. A subscription will cost you anywhere between $30 or $130 a year (depending on a basic or premium plan) and will not only give you access to these games but also a library of over 200 games and counting.
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