Throughout the years Sonic fans have been having to defend their beloved hedgehog from all sorts of scrutiny; from bad games to a questionable movie due out later this year, Sonic properties have been a mixed bag. None of Sonic’s previous titles or adventures has been laughed at harder and pushed aside as the infamous Sonic the Hedgehog, or more commonly known as Sonic 06′.

Sonic 06′ was supposed to reboot the franchise for the seventh generation of consoles to celebrate the Blue blur’s 15th birthday. However, Sonic 06′ came out to be panned by critics and fans for its borderline broken controls, and slow as molasses gameplay. It also garnered criticism for an extremely weird and at times uncomfortable romance between Sonic and a human princess. If you’ve ever wanted to play this game of questionable quality and are a PC player, you can thank a group of dedicated fans. Gistix DevLab, have brought the game for the first time to PC and has spent the last two years recreating the game in the Unity engine; now a demo has been made available as a free download.

Now in my research, I have found that Gistix DevLab’s version of Sonic 06′ is not littered with the copious amounts of glitches and long loading screens that were the PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360 versions. However, it does still seem to be hindered by a bad camera and clunky controls.

I have yet to experience the original Sonic 06′ (or this PC demo) for myself, as I grew up with the Sega Genesis games and have had very little interest in the third person side of the series. Though reading this article and the research I had to do made me want to go and find a copy for myself. At least to see how bad Sonic 06′ really is, and just how far I can make it through the game.

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Jaydyn Spisak

Secluded up in the Great White North in his tiny Iglo, Jaydyn has been passionately playing games for over a decade. Throughout the years Jaydyn has accumulated a deep knowledge on the video game industry and is often referred to as "The Harry Potter Encylopedia" This is his first job in the industry.

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