Things are about to get dicey. Asmodee Digital is back with more board games to cure your boredom via the Humble More Board Games Bundle.

Four games sit at the $1 or more level, including Ticket to Ride: First Journey. This version of the popular board game lets players embark on their very first ride and visit major European and American cities. The game is easy for the whole family to play together. The youngest players can now challenge the most experienced without the extra details and more difficult rules of the original. Others games at this level include Gloom: Digital Edition, Love Letter, and Twilight Struggle.

Seven titles sit at the “Pay More Than the Average” level, which currently sits at $8.36. This is expected to go up by the time the article publishes, as it usually does. The highlight of this level is Pandemic: The Board Game. Pandemic is a family-friendly cooperative game. Simple to understand and lots of fun, the game puts you in an apocalyptic situation where you must work as a team to save the world. Travel the world, treat infections, and find cures before its too late.

At $12 or more, two games sit center stage. Scythe: Digital Edition takes place in an alternate reality 1920’s Europa. It’s been several years since the “Great War,” but the ashes of the conflict are still hot, and the war is entering a new phase. The first conflict saw the emergence of some incredible engines of war known as Mechs. Built by “The Factory,” an independent city-state which has since become the object of everyone’s desire, these technological monstrosities roam the snowy landscapes of Europa.

The other top tier game in this Humble Bundle is The Obsidian Edition of Pathfinder Adventures. Pathfinder Adventures brings one of Paizo’s most successful products, the Pathfinder Adventure Card Game, into the digital realm in an enhanced experience. Additionally, it emphasizes the characters, story, and world of Pathfinder’s rich and diverse world. Enjoy cutscenes and great gameplay all from the comfort of a Mac or PC.

The Humble More Board Games Bundle lasts until May 7th, with most titles playable on Mac, and all available on PC via Windows or Steam.

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