Assassin’s Creed is just one of those series that goes everywhere, gets up the walls, and infects your life. I’m not a massive fan of the series, but I own several copies of the literal mountain of a series known as Assassin’s Creed. I’m so acutely aware I keep telling everyone that Grand Theft Auto, Watch_Dogs, Fallout, Saints Row, more recently Dark Souls, and inFamous (to an extent,) fall higher on my list of franchise games than Assassin’s Creed does. However, today my collection has become one larger as Ubisoft are currently giving Assassin’s Creed Unity away for free.
The reason behind this sudden free game is the awful situation with Cathédrale Notre-Dame de Paris, or more commonly known plainly as Notre-Dame. With the recent fire devouring the already crumbling structure, many have been jumping in and showing support for the nearly 675-year-old cathedral (883 from breaking ground). Ubisoft, a French company themselves, wants to show they support the local historical importance of the structure by donating half a million Euro to help bring the cathedral to life once again.
Though that doesn’t fully explain why, of all the games, they chose to give away Unity. To those who haven’t played or seen the game, it may seem strange to pick one of the games most notable for a large bug upon release. Well, Assassin’s Creed Unity is set in France, Paris to be exact, and features the mammoth of a cathedral in the center of the city.
One would assume this is so those who may not know much about the cathedral can play and learn something. The cynics would say it is to capitalize on good PR of doing something nice. In either case, it is a nice gesture to show solidarity with the city, and the donation will greatly help reconstruction efforts.
You can pick up Assassin’s Creed Unity over on Uplay until the 25th of April. However, Ubisoft are not the only ones donating to the rebuild fund as François-Henri Pinault (CEO of Kering, the parent company of Gucci and other luxury goods), The Arnault family (Bernard Arnault is CEO of LVMH Moët Hennessy – Louis Vuitton SE), and Françoise Bettencourt Meyers (Author and daughter of a former L’Oréal principal owner) are donating a sum total of $680 million to rebuild the building. Though some, such Ryder Cup star Thomas Pieters, media personality Janet Street-Porter, and Author Kristan Higgins are all making similar statements; feed the poor, support people, don’t donate to save an old building.
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