A lot of children from the 90s and 2000s remember Humongous Entertainment games. Now, it’s time to relive the glory days thanks to Humble Bundle.

Some of my fondest memories as a child, and my first PC gaming memories, include Humongous characters. The main lineup of Pajama Sam, Freddi Fish, Spy Fox, and Putt-Putt, kept a lot of people my age busy in their younger years. Their mix of various game modes, as well as a number of puzzles and interactive scenarios, were a hit with younger audiences a few decades ago. When Steam began carrying the Humongous Entertainment lineup, I was so happy, yet never picked any of them up. Now, with Humble Bundle’s deal of putting a lot of games together for a small price tag, I’m finally reliving it.

Humongous Entertainment made a career out of designing entertaining and educational games. With most children’s games, the premises were simple, but the art style was captivating thanks to fun cartoon characters and solid gameplay. At the $1 mark, 11 games are available, and even at that low price, users can choose what the money goes towards. As always with Humble Bundle, a charity is featured, and this time it is Action Against Hunger and St. Jude’s. Those are a great cause, so give what you can, and if you make your total above $10.39, another 9 games get added for more fun and nostalgia. Pay more than $14 and you get another 15 titles.

Pokémon may have been my first game, but these titles hold a place in my heart as being some of my first gaming experiences ever. Putt-Putt was my top choice out of all of them, but the experience of playing games from your childhood is unlike anything else in gaming. It calls back to a simpler time when achievements and online competition weren’t the focus. It was all about just having fun.

The Humongous Entertainment Humble Bundle is available for 14 days.

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