One of the two largest trends in the gaming world in this very moment are Loot Boxes, in-game random number generated boxes with cosmetic and possibly in-game advantages encased. The other trend is the Battle Royale game, a watered-down take on Koushun Takami’s 1999 novel, Battle Royale. Since then Kinji Fukasaku’s movie, of the same name has exploded the genre into new heights; what has taken the west by storm, however, is Suzanne Collins’ The Hunger Games trilogy. Since then, we’ve seen games catch on with Minecraft game modes being created, an unknown player making a battleground(s), and of course, Fortnite.

However, it seems the world is about to get a little more dystopian. On the online luxury shopping center for the rich and famous, Hush Hush, there is a listing requesting, “Can you help design a Battle Royale-inspired arena for a ‘last person standing’ contest.” According to the site’s listing, competitors in the game will play for 12 hours per day and camp the night before with supplies such as, “food, camping gear, and all the necessary equipment will be provided” to win $100,000. However, this is the lifestyle of the rich and famous, so this can’t be done in the local woods, instead, it will be done on a private island bought by the mystery millionaire behind this listing.

Aaron Harpin, founder of said, “Battle Royale games have become incredibly popular over the last few years […] our customer is a huge fan who wants to make the game a reality in the safest way possible. If the championship is a success this year, it’s something he wants to make an annual event moving forward, which is very exciting!” continuing with, “If you’re a fan of last-person-standing movies and games, it’ll be a great opportunity to have a once in a lifetime experience and earn a significant amount of money. However, to get there, our concierge team needs some help to make it a reality. The first thing we need is a talented gamemaker to help us make the event as realistic as possible.

My skepticism and speculation would say this will not be a project completed by the summer, neither will it be a perfect one-for-one adaptation from your favorite Battle Royale game. The largest issue the designer will face is the incoming wall of death pushing players towards each other. This could be done with GPS trackers, radar, and other forms of tracking bodies, however, would lack that visual aesthetic of the games. Gunplay could be recreated by paintball guns and so on, though it is a strange request of anyone. This is all providing there is spectator aspect to the action.

However, if you think you have the skills to create this massive project, you can apply to create this mammoth project on the Hush Hush listing.

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Keiran McEwen

Keiran Mcewen is a proficient musician, writer, and games journalist. With almost twenty years of gaming behind him, he holds an encyclopedia-like knowledge of over games, tv, music, and movies.

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