Can you sell cardboard to a human? Nintendo can. In all seriousness, Nintendo is doing something right with the Labo. The Labo is one way that Nintendo is making sure the Switch is more than just a thing under the TV that you pick up every now and then. The Switch is being heralded for its versatility, library, and of all things, selling humans some cardboard.
In a previous article on this site, I spoke about the announcement of more Toy-Cons being released this April. With the reveal of a VR kit and the possibility of two new Nintendo Switch’s over the hill, Nintendo is making sure their flagship console stays on top. So now they are looking to sell you even more cardboard in the form of a box. When we drill it down to that, it sounds stupid because it naturally is. However, this time it is as a storage solution for all the cardboard Toy-Cons you already have.
This very literal box will be available on April 12th for 800 yen, or $7, through the Nintendo E-Shop. However, if you look at the video above on the YouTube page you’ll find the video itself is unlisted, comments are disabled, and at the moment of writing, has 232 dislikes to 50 likes. Despite this, the most interesting thing seems to be the date of upload: August 30th, 2018. This may also mean that there are several plans already in place for future Labo tech in the pipeline.
One could and would criticize Nintendo for selling a box, but it is genius. The Nintendo fanbase is one of two things principally, children or fanboys. The latter is a word I hate to use, though Nintendo does have a dedicated fanbase that will snap up almost any branded merchandise; including Mario, Zelda, Kirby, Donkey Kong, Pokémon, among others. Nintendo may not sell millions of these Labo branded boxes, though the cynic in me says they will sell and sell quick.
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