It has been almost 5 years since Borderlands: The Pre-Sequel released back in 2014. Since then, we’ve seen re-releases of the main games, as well as rumors and hints about a sequel, but things were largely kept under wraps. As of yesterday, however, we now have an official announcement for Borderlands 3 and a brand new trailer to go with it.
After months of teasing, Gearbox has officially announced Borderlands 3, with a trailer that also teases more information coming April 3rd. No word has been given just yet on the release platforms, the release date, or other important specifics but we do get to see the characters and locations of the newest Borderlands game.
Considering Borderlands is Gearbox’s most beloved and most successful franchise to date, it is good to see them returning to the world fans love so much. Over 1 billion different variations of guns are slated to be in Borderlands 3, and the trailer showcases all the characters we know and love, as well as a few new faces.
After 2016’s Battleborn release, which flopped spectacularly, many people were worried about the future of the Borderlands franchise. Seeing the trailer now though, even with the little amount of information that it contains, makes me hopeful and excited. Already I’ve seen people talking on Twitter about the character classes they want to play, as well as general excitement over the announcement.
As a fan of the franchise, this makes me incredibly excited to see how Borderlands 3 evolves from the previous games. I love Loot-based games, and considering the trailer shows a gun with legs, Borderlands 3 will likely have crazy and hilarious loot to get your hands on. We’ll know more on April 3rd, and I can’t wait to see what happens next. Publisher 2K Games has hinted that we’ll have the game in our hands by the end of this fiscal year (April 2020) so hopefully, we won’t have too long to wait.
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