April 5th marks the three-year anniversary since the launch of Enter the Gungeon. The team at Dodge Roll Games have been updating and enhancing the roguelike shooter for a while now, and to celebrate the anniversary, a new update is incoming. The Enter the Gungeon “A Farewell to Arms” update is the final update for Enter the Gungeon, and will release on April 5th.

Unlike other free updates that have been released for Enter the Gungeon thus far, A Farewell to Arms features two new playable characters, The Paradox and The Gunslinger. Additionally, the press release states that the update will include, “dozens of new guns and items, a new secret floor with a new boss, and the addition of community-inspired Rainbow Mode!

Dodge Roll Games have also announced that there will be, “Additional features, tweaks, and fixes,” in order to keep up with the philosophy to make the player feel “more powerful, more often” which they implemented in the last free update. They have not stated whether this free update will release simultaneously on all platforms, or if it will come to PC first, then to other consoles.

Personally, I think it will probably come to PC first, and then after bugs and issues are worked out, the console versions will receive the update. Either way, fans of Enter the Gungeon have a lot to look forward to on April 5th when the A Farewell to Arms update releases to the public. While many are probably sad that this is the final content update, I look forward to seeing what the team at Dodge Roll Games does next.

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Alexx Aplin

Alexx has been writing about video games for almost 10 years, and has seen most of the good, bad and ugly of the industry. After spending most of the past decade writing for other people, he decided to band together with a few others, to create a diverse place that will create content for gaming enthusiasts, by gaming enthusiasts.

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