After multiple announcements with Sony and EA will no longer making an appearance at this year’s E3, the traditional E3 show is now gone, I guess. More so in recent years as you can now sit and watch whomever you like, as they make snarky comments and sit to watch the shows themselves. Last year, we saw Sony try and mix something between The Last of Us Part 2 and a stage show, before moving to another stage. EA did their usual sports/shareholders meeting, and Bethesda called upon a one-hit wonder from the 2000s in Andrew W.K.
This year, we’ll see Bethesda coming back to show us their big announcements from last year. Undoubtedly we’ll hear about Starfield, Wolfenstein: Youngblood, The Elder Scrolls 6, and Doom Eternal. We may also see or hear about Fallout 76 and possible content to be added, as well as the soon to be released Rage 2. However, most importantly the statement from Bethesda confirms a showcase of Doom Eternal, “plus much, much more.”
As a fan of the first game in this reboot, I want to see more after the tease we saw last year, as I am sure many would. I enjoy a fair amount of Bethesda games including Fallout 4, Dishonored, Wolfenstein, Prey, and Doom. I always anticipate their releases and reveals, making their E3 showcases a delight to watch. Though the cynical gamer and indeed viewer of last years show tells me to be, at the very least, suspicious of what they have to offer.
Nonetheless, we will have to wait until Sunday, June 9th at 5:30 PM PT for the Bethesda showcase this summer. After last year’s show was cobbled together, once Walmart Canada spoiled Bethesda’s show, what was left was but a semblance years prior. However, I have high hopes for what is yet to come.
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