Splatoon 2 has been out for a while now, but who says you can’t still build the player base? Nintendo certainly doesn’t.

Splatoon 2 will be free to try through an online demo running from 3/19 at 7:00 am PT to 3/25 at 6:59 am PT. This is a solid week to see if new players can grab onto the addicting, colorful shooter the way gamers first did when Splatoon came out on the Wii U. Even then, the game was a ton of fun, but with new weapons, outfits, and stages, the game is only better than it was at launch, let alone its previous predecessor. Now requiring Nintendo Switch Online for multiplayer, the demo comes with a free week of the relatively new subscription service.

If the game seems fun enough to buy, Nintendo is also discounting the game 20% digitally on the Nintendo eShop starting 3/19 at 7 am PT until 3/28 at 8:59 am PT. To be honest, I’m of the mind that once you play for a week, or even a day, you’ll see the amazing amount of fun to be had in this game.

In a lot of ways, Splatoon 2 is less popular than you would think, and more. At the international competitive level, it’s been overshadowed by more traditional shooters. That being said, an insanely dedicated amount of players are still visiting the game daily, despite reports that the devs are done adding new content.

That speaks to the game’s addicting gameplay, much of which has to do with its unique take on online shooter multiplayer and its short, four-minute rounds. You can finish the top of your 4 person team in Splatoon 2 without splatting a single opponent. Turf War is a great take on the deathmatch mode that has been overdone for decades now, and every aspect of the game feels fresh.

If you need a break from battle royale chaos and want a fun shooter for the Switch, this demo is a great chance to try what may be your new favorite Nintendo IP.

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