Hello! Welcome to Phenixx Gaming. Because today is our official opening, I want to mention a few things and explain how we do things here. To start with, I should mention that the current state of the site (and its layout) is subject to change in the future. We aren’t coders, and we aren’t really web developers. We’re just a team of people passionate about games that want to build a site that we’ve always wanted to see.
Let’s be honest here. The gaming industry is in a strange space right now. Layoffs are rampant, customers are unhappy with the practices of some devs, and everywhere you turn there’s a new scandal or controversy. Out of the ashes of that chaos, Phenixx Gaming was born. If you want a bit of background history on the goals of Phenixx Gaming, please check out our about page. I want to focus more on where we’re going and what you can expect from us.
The goal of Phenixx Gaming, at the very end of it all, is that we want to create content that we love, that keeps the consumer informed. The way I see it, if we’re not honest with the consumer, and we give you a reason to question our credibility, then we have absolutely no purpose in this industry. I’ve been writing articles and reviews on games (both indie and AAA) for almost 10 years, and I have seen the good, the bad, and the ugly of this industry.
Because of that, I hope to use what I have learned from working in other places, to turn this place into a safe haven for all types of gamers. Even more so than that, I want to slowly integrate other forms of entertainment coverage, so that Phenixx Gaming becomes a place that you and your friends read ion your free time. We want to be a place you share with family and friends. Ultimately, consumers need to be informed with honest content, and we intend to carry that intention forward.
We’re on a tight budget right now, and we ultimately would like to be able to make a living with this, so that we can do bigger and better things for our audience. I cannot promise you that we won’t run ads in the future, but I can promise you that we will never use intrusive ads, or force you to whitelist us. We know you aren’t fond of ads and we don’t like them either, but at the end of the day this is a passion project and we would like to be able to compensate our writers and pay for things to bring you even better content.
Additionally, you should know that in the beginning, we won’t be able to cover large releases, and our news may not be breaking. Unlike IGN and other established places, it will take us time to be able to accumulate the staff and viewership that warrants us to be able to cover AAA titles and breaking news. Our goal is not to compete with the bigger sites, but to create quality content that you want to read. We have a comment section on our articles, as well as a contact email (contact@phenixxgaming.com) for you to submit suggestions and ideas.
We would appreciate you sharing us with friends and family, as well as reaching out and letting us know what you want to see us cover. Whether you’re suggesting games for us to review or types of articles you want to see, we are open to suggestions. With that being said we will not cover anything that is discriminatory to any race, sexual orientation, or creed.
Phenixx Gaming is dedicated to transparency and inclusivity. We want to hire people who are passionate about gaming, and specifically, we want to amplify voices that aren’t often heard in the industry. We want this place to be inclusive to people with disabilities as well, and we are working hard to try and find ways to integrate accessibility into every aspect of the site.
This won’t happen overnight. We are human, so we are prone to making mistakes. We appreciate your patience as we get started, and we hope that we can create a safe space for all types of people here. This is our home, a safe space for us to give you honest, informative content. I hope we can make this place feel like home for you as well.
Because of the origins of this place, (some of it detailed in the about page I already mentioned) family is an important concept to us. Not just blood relation, but the family we choose. We hope you will join us in this new adventure and become part of the Phenixx Gaming family.
Phenixx Gaming is everywhere you are. Follow us on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram.