The Nintendo Switch has been praised highly for its versatility, large games library, and other things. Now it seems the system is becoming even more versatile. About this time last year, it was announced that Nintendo was to launch something new called “Nintendo Labo,” an intricate and delicate system of cardboard. Yes, some instantly dismissed this announcement as a gimmick, or something stupid. I later found these same people that April to be playing with this “cardboard gimmick” with a tremendous grin on their face.

One year since that initial announcement there has been an increase in what these cardboard toys could do with your Switch. Originally, you could fish, play the piano, drive in Mario Kart, among other things. This was later expanded upon with what are called “Toy Con” followed by a number, the second was a robot kit, the third was a vehicle kit, and now the fourth has been announced. As a virtual reality kit.

Understandably, one could be pessimistic about this announcement. The Nintendo Switch is naturally underpowered, at least compared to that of a PC or even some other virtual reality consoles on the market. We’ve seen recently the increase in virtual reality not only for PC but also consoles, something Nintendo tried over 20 years ago. The Virtual Boy, ridiculed for its headache-inducing red mist of a visual style, made the system a commercial failure. Now, will we see a console that could support such a system? I don’t know.

As I said at the top, the Switch has been highly praised not only in commercial support but also critical. As I work with children, I see them engrossed with their Switches, and I see adults in love with the system too. The only thing missing from the system is virtual reality support, which is now coming. Where does the system go from here? What will Labo do next? No one knows. That is what is exciting about the system, and why it keeps grabbing headlines.

Personally, I can’t wait to see what is to come from Nintendo next and how Labo will expand on their success. Toy Con 4 will release April 12th worldwide, and you can purchase it from stores and online from Nintendo upon release.

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Keiran McEwen

Keiran Mcewen is a proficient musician, writer, and games journalist. With almost twenty years of gaming behind him, he holds an encyclopedia-like knowledge of over games, tv, music, and movies.

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