News is incoming for a major Xbox IP. After a long stretch of no news for major games by Microsoft, Gears of War 5 news is on its way.

The next installment in the popular cover-shooter series is the second game from The Coalition. Before Gears 4, Epic Games had created and developed the IP. Gears 5 is poised to release sometime later this year, but Microsoft and The Coalition haven’t given much information out about the game. To the point, in fact, that the last announcement trailer dates back to 2018 at E3. Now, the Gears ELEAGUE Summer Series will put the latest entry on television at the competitive level.

The series is scheduled to kick off on Friday, June 14 via TBS, which is also when the world premiere of the Gears 5 multiplayer will be shown off. If you are not subscribed to TBS through a cable or streaming provider, you can catch replays on Twitch.

The Bonds and Betrayals of Brotherhood will provide an unprecedented look into the uniquely passionate world of Gears Esports through the lens of six of the most well-known professional players,” said Microsoft of the new series. “Over the six episodes, the series will explore each player’s intense connection to the game as they navigate the transition between Gears of War 4 and Gears 5, balancing the untapped potential of new opportunities with the fallout from past decisions.

In addition to the unveiling of Gears 5’s multiplayer, the energy is set to continue when more info comes at E3 2019. Hopefully, this will bring an announcement for a release date and more on the story. Gears Tactics is coming soon as well. For now we wait. Gears 5 is in development for PC and Xbox One; Gears 5 is poised to release sometime later this year.

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